File src/CurlBrowser.php

class Tlf\Tester\CurlBrowser

See source code at /src/CurlBrowser.php



  • public string $default_host; The default host to connect to, such as http://localhost:3183
  • public array $responses = []; Array of responses as built by curl_get_response(), in the order they were received


  • public function __construct(string $default_host = null)

  • public function __toString() the body of the last response

  • public function last()

  • public function follow() Follow the redirect sent with the last request

  • public function get($path, $params=[], $headers[], $curl_opts [])

  • public function post($path, $params=[], $headers[], $files[], $curl_opts []) @beta

  • public function make_url(string $url, array $params=[]): string

  • public function parse_cookie_header($header_value): array

  • public function curl_add_files($ch, array $files, array $params)

  • public function curl_get_response($ch)